The plan was to meet some friends in London.
Additionally, that would have involved us all in attending some former all-mancunians band's performance scheduled to play a series of three gigs at London Finsbury Park during Saturday, the 6th of July, 2002.
We'll use this site to share the experience with everyone.I'll include our itinerary, the interesting sites we visited, and the people we met. Don't worry, there will be lots of pictures!
The thing is that I believe things never happen by case.
I believed we were meant to meet one day all, and I believed we were meant to have together some crazy (sometimes even too much crazy) days to remember when we'll all be grey and old.
Well, in our souls, we're never really get *that* old anyway.
These pages are dedicated to a bunch of special people, whom I really hope to meet soon again :)
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